When you purchase and provide the seller with a shipto address in the United States, eBay will automatically invoice you for whatever the seller is charging for shipping from the United States to the United States, assuming that the item will be shipping from a US location 2,950 Views Message 2 of 4As an Amazon seller, you don't have to pay to list items This instantly puts it ahead of eBay With eBay, you only get a certain number of free listings, and then you have to pay a fee per listing after that While you don't have to pay to list an item, you do have to pay $099 per item soldManaged payments sellers Beginning July 18, , the new fee structure for managed payments sellers will start to take effect Please refer to our Selling fees for managed payments sellers article (only available for eligible, registered, or activated managed payments sellers) for information on the new fees and when they will apply to your account Do Any Virtual Assistant Dropshipping Job Ebay Usa Uk E...